at Polly's.
Here's why...
Our approach
Babies and young children have brains and bodies which are ready to learn and to move in different and increasingly more complex and coordinated ways. However, in order for children to flourish, what they need is for the adults around them to ensure that the environment in which they are cared for actively promotes their progress.
It is important to note that our use of the word environment is not limited to describing simply how the physical space in which the children play is prepared, although this is very important. It extends to include other important things that children need if they are to thrive: emotional warmth and security; high-quality play experiences and teaching; and, the freedom to make choices, to follow their interests and to develop their autonomy.
Our approach to creating an environment in which children flourish is summarised in five commitments we make to you and your child. We call them Polly's promises:
Our highest priority and Ofsted describe our approach in this area as meticulous. All of our staff are DBS checked and undertake child protection and paediatric first aid training. We conduct daily safety checks of playrooms, sleep rooms and outdoor play areas before children arrive each day. We've got a CCTV entry system. We've got finger guards on internal doors. Our well-trained and attentive staff follow comprehensive policies and procedures designed to keep children safe. And, we teach children (through age-appropriate activities, stories, discussions and role modelling) how to keep themselves safe.
No-one can love your child like you and your family do – but we aim to run a close second! That's why we're so choosy about who gets to work at Polly's. A strong theoretical knowledge of how children learn and develop is not enough. To be on our team you need to be seriously good at playing and have that lovely, kind and natural nurturing instinct which makes children feel genuinely loved and valued. It's this that helps babies and young children to feel secure and confident in their surroundings. Then the learning can really start!
Our nurseries are happy, sociable and stimulating places filled with energy, encouragement, fun and laughter. Come to see us and you'll hear what we call the 'lovely happy buzz' of Polly's. It's the magical sound of happy, fully engaged children having fun and learning through their play.
Children at Polly's make excellent progress against the seven areas of learning in the EYFS. We work hard to get to know what your child knows and can do and what they're interested in and we use this insight to identify and plan for next steps in their individual learning. Children in all age groups benefit from exciting, interesting and purposeful play and first-hand experiences and also have freedom to lead their own learning supported, rather than led, by adults. We have a sophisticated understanding of how children learn and develop and high-quality equipment and resources to support our teaching.
You need information about your child's experiences at nursery. At Polly's you'll receive detailed end-of-session feedback about your child's time with us. We record your child's experiences, month by month, in words and photographs in a special book called a 'Learning Journey' (a lovely keepsake in the years to come!). We hold two parents evenings each year. You'll also get a monthly newsletter and topic web which keeps you up-to-date with nursery news and gives you information about what your child will be learning at Polly's. We are always happy to talk with you about how your child is getting on and to offer advice, if you ever need it, on anything from potty training to ensuring your child is ready for school.