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Links and downloads
On this page you can download our Ofsted inspection reports and find links to other sites you might be interested in. Please note that Polly’s accepts no responsibility for the content of external sites.
This link takes you to the ‘find an inspection report’ page on the Ofsted website so that you can find and read inspection reports for other childcare providers.
This links takes you to the HMRC website page where you can find information about childcare vouchers and tax credits.
Words for Life
Here you can find recommended stories, reading tips and lots of other information about how we can help our children to develop their communication skills and love of stories and literature.
Brown & Co Photographers
The photographs on our site were taken at Polly’s by Heather Brown of Brown and Co Photographers. Click on the link below to find examples which show her talent for taking stunningly beautiful, natural photographs of children (and grown-ups!).
NHS guide to parenting in the early years
The NHS guide to parenting in the early years. Includes sections relating to childhood illnesses, vaccinations, weaning, potty training, feeding, sleep advice and lots more!
The NCT is the UK’s biggest parenting charity and it provides information, counselling and support in all areas of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.
NHS Direct
For health advice and reassurance, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
NHS Change4Life
Around 22% of under-5s in England are considered to be overweight. This site gives information, ideas and practical guidance on how we can help our children (and ourselves!) to eat healthily and to lead a more physically active life.
Our Ofsted reports
Here you can download copies of our latest Ofsted inspection reports.
Polly's at Brownshill
Polly's at Inchbrook